Black Pepper Pecans - NUTS

What is Grain Free?

Now I know what you’re thinking, what’s so special about Black Pepper? Alone, not too much. But our combo of black pepper, maple syrup, and orange peel are going to make you lose your nuts! Slightly sweet and a bit savory, your bag will be empty before you can say: iwaswronganditrulylovetheseamazingblackpepperpecansandtheyknockmysocksoff. Eat them by the fistful, on top of salads, or put on your best Joanna Gaines face and spice up the ranch party by tossing them in your favorite party mix.

Ingredients: Pecans, Maple Syrup*, Black Pepper*, Salt, Orange Peel*

Contains Pecans.

*Denotes Organic Ingredient

    • Benefits
    • Nutrition
    • Non-GMO
    • Grain-Free
    • No Refined Sugars
    • Low carbohydrate
    • Peanut Free
    Nutritional label for Black Pepper Pecans - NUTS

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